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Adventure Gamers has earned a strong reputation for editorial integrity, which we work hard to maintain. Our promise to you is that our content will never be influenced by marketing campaigns, friendly publishers, or free review copies.


Games are judged on their own merits, not a reviewer's personal preferences. Reviewers are required to finish each game before submitting the review so that an accurate judgment of the game as a whole can be made. The editor works with reviewers to ensure the score is an appropriate representation of the review itself, but will never change a reviewer's score. (You can read more about our score system here.) We only review final code; evaluations of pre-release builds or demos are always marked as previews.

Editorial independence

Some Adventure Gamers contributors hold positions in the game industry, either on a permanent or freelance basis. We strictly avoid conflicts of interest by assigning reviews to impartial members of staff, and no editorial influence is ever granted to any staff member involved in the development of a game.

Extent of coverage

We cover adventure in all forms, including commercial, amateur, and text. Although we enjoy other genres and adventure game hybirds, we keep our focus on adventure games and leave other genres for other sites to cover. We use the following guidelines to determine which games fall within our scope:

  • Games with action elements that are highly subservient to its adventure elements are considered adventures, and will be covered fully. Full Throttle is a good example of such a game.
  • We do not cover action hybrids, RPGs, or the more blatant �genre blending� games (e.g. System Shock or Deus Ex).
  • We do make exceptions for games that are deemed to be of substantial interest to adventure gamers, such as sequels in longstanding adventure series like Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude and King�s Quest: Mask of Eternity. However, it's likely these will be treated as special feature articles and not reviews.

Hidden Object and Casual Adventure Games at Big Fish